Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am at 39 Seven Stars Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am at 39 Seven Stars Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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This message, title Virture or Transformation, focuses on 1 Corinthians 13.
Pastor Dave brings a message title, Move On, focused on Exodus 14:5-20.
This week Pastor Dave focuses on Genesis 2 in a message titled, Every Word.
In this message, Pastor Dave focuses on Acts 10 as we continue our look at spiritual gifts.
Continuing our focus on spiritual gifts, Pastor Dave focuses on 1 Corinthians 1.
Pastor Dave starts a short series on spiritual gifts.
Pastor Dave takes us to James 1:19-25 for this message title, "Both/And."
Pastor Dave shares a message from Matthew 2 as we observe Epiphany.
This final Sunday before Christmas, Pastor Dave brings a message title, "How deep is your love?"
During the third week of advent Pastor Dave shares a message of joy from Luke 2.
For the second week of advent Pastor Dave focuses on Maththew 2 with a message of peace.
We start the advent season with a message of hope from Jeremiah 33:14-16.
Pastor Dave shares more about taking our first steps.
Pastor Dave starts a new series look at First Peter.
Special guest, Andrew VanCott, shares a message focused on God providing.
This is the second in a two-part series title, Taking the Plunge. This week Pastor Dave focuses on church membership.
Pastor Dave starts a two-part series, Taking the Plunge. This week is focused on Baptism.
Special guest, Brian Brunsell, shares a special message focused on foster and adoption.
Pastor Dave shares a message focused on Ephesians 6:1-3.
Our guest, Danilo Sanchez, of Ripple Church and Mosaic Mennonite Conference shares a message titled, God Our Restorer.
Pastor Dave continues a worship-focused series with a message title, "How We Worship."
This Sunday, Pastor Dave starts a new series, "What is Worship?" with a sermon titled, "What is Worship?"
We hope you enjoy this message as Pastor Dave continues The Road to Redemption series with a message title, "Beyond the Hype."
This week Pastor Dave begins a continues a series following Jesus' final journey into Jerusalem.
Pastor Dave continues "The Road to Redeption" series with a message titled, "Two Blind Men."
This week Pastor Dave begins a series that follows Jesus' final journey into Jerusalem with the apostles and the events that culminated with the most important event in human history.
Pastor Dave continues the Awake & Alert series with a message titled, Influencing.
The service includes the next sermon in the Awake & Alert Series, called Including.
Pastor Dave continues in the Awake & Alert series with a message titled, Relativism.
The service includes a very special update and message from Vitaliy Smolin of Open Door Foundation, Ukraine.
Pastor Dave continues in the Awake & Alert series with a message titled, Identity.
This week we commission new lay leaders and Pastor Dave shares from John 4, a message titled The Same Spirit.
As we welcome 2024, Pastor Dave starts at new series, Awake & Alert. The message, Anticipating, focuses on Matthew 2:1-6
During this service, Pastor Dave brings a message focused on Exodus 13:17-22 and various congregants share reflections from 2023.
This week in Advent, we draw our attention to LOVE. Pastor Dave continues the series with a message entitled "Love Intervenes," focused on Luke 1:5-17.
As we focus on joy this week during Advent, Pastor Dave brings a message focused on Matthew 2:1-12
Special guest, Marta Castillo, continues through Advent focusing on peace.
Starting off Advent, Pastor Dave shares from Isaiah 11 with special music from Robin & Dean Nafziger.
Pastor Dave shares a message focused on 1 Peter 3.
Steve Kriss, Executive Minister of Mosaic Mennonite Conference shares from 1 John 4.
Jeremy and Christina Schoenrock share their story of growing their family through foster and adoption and husband and wife team, Karena and Randy, lead us in worship.
On this Sunday, we observed International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Join us in praying over five specific countries.
This week we commission new lay leaders and Pastor Dave shares from John 4, a message titled The Same Spirit.
As we welcome 2024, Pastor Dave starts at new series, Awake & Alert. The message, Anticipating, focuses on Matthew 2:1-6
During this service, Pastor Dave brings a message focused on Exodus 13:17-22 and various congregants share reflections from 2023.
This week in Advent, we draw our attention to LOVE. Pastor Dave continues the series with a message entitled "Love Intervenes," focused on Luke 1:5-17.
As we focus on joy this week during Advent, Pastor Dave brings a message focused on Matthew 2:1-12
Special guest, Marta Castillo, continues through Advent focusing on peace.
Starting off Advent, Pastor Dave shares from Isaiah 11 with special music from Robin & Dean Nafziger.
Pastor Dave shares a message focused on 1 Peter 3.
Steve Kriss, Executive Minister of Mosaic Mennonite Conference shares from 1 John 4.
Jeremy and Christina Schoenrock share their story of growing their family through foster and adoption and husband and wife team, Karena and Randy, lead us in worship.
On this Sunday, we observed International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Join us in praying over five specific countries.
We hope you enjoy this service that includes worship led by Drake Bearden and the final message from the Isaiah series brought by Pastor Dave.
Pastor Dave continues the Isaiah series in this service and Alyssa Kurtz leads our time of worship.
Welcome to Communion Sunday!
This service includes the next message from Pastor Dave in the Isaiah series (chapters 13-27).
In this service, Pastor Dave continues with the Isaiah series (chapters 7-12).
This service includes a message from Pastor Dave focused on Isaiah 6.
This service includes the first sermon from Isaiah focusing on Isaiah chapters 1-5.
This service includes a blessing over student and staff starting a new school year as well as a message from Matthew 28, called "Never Alone."
We hope you enjoy this service with a message focused on Ephesians 6:10-24
This video includes the a message focused on Ephesians 5:21-6:9.
Pastor Dave continues the "A New Way to Be Human" series with a message focused on Ephesians 4:17-5:20.
Our first Camp Sunday service includes memories, songs, and lessons from camp throughout the years.
Hear an update from the MDS Youth Service Team and a message from Matthew 25:31-46 from Pastor Dave Mansfield.
VBS Sunday included a lively presentation covering what the kids learned throughout the week!
Pastor Dave continues our look at Ephesians in "A New Way to Be Human: Grow Up"
This service includes the next message in our Ephesians series, "A New Way to Be Human."
We hope you enjoy this worship service including Pastor Dave's message on Ephesians 2
Enjoy this great message from our guest, Andrew VanCott, titled, The Good Shepherd.
Vincent Mennonite Church
39 Seven Stars Road, Spring City, Pennsylvania 19475, United States
610-948-2129 Email: